Stuff we do
St Kilda Baptist Church has a long history of working with the local community.
Over the years, we have run a number of programs including Scottsdale, a supported residence for people with mental illness, which was recently passed over to the care of Prahran Mission and Machaseh House, a home for high-school students who would otherwise be homeless. For a number of years, Moores Legal provided subsidised legal assistance out of rented offices at the church.
Our current missions/local groups we are involved with are listed below.
Asylum Seekers Advocacy Group
This group of about 10 people, attempt to make some practical responses to the plight of people seeking asylum in Australia, especially those held in inhumane conditions on Manus Island and Nauru, and those in onshore detention suffering the removal of all support benefits. The group wants to continue to explore ways our church can respond to this current justice issue.

Community Kitchen
Community Kitchen (Kitchen) runs out of St Kilda Elsternwick Baptist Church and is a community outreach program. It is funded and overseen by Community Share St Kilda a registered NFP. Many Church folk volunteer with Kitchen. Through its free meal service, Kitchen provides a safe and welcoming place to share not just food; but companionship, belonging and care. All are welcome for a sit down meal every Monday 6pm (excepting Public Holidays) On Tuesdays grocery bags of fresh produce, meals etc are handed out between 12-6pm or until all food is gone.
St Kilda Gatehouse is a faith based, not-for-profit organisation dedicated to providing safe spaces of belonging, connection and respect for women involved in street based sex work and young women and girls affected by sexual exploitation. Many of those supported by St Kilda Gatehouse are navigating complex issues such as childhood trauma, homelessness, family violence, poverty, addiction, mental illness and isolation. St Kilda Gatehouse is a safe place where women and girls, and their families feel valued and can access the resources and services they need to make positive life choices.
We feel it is a privilege to support the unique work of St Kilda Gatehouse. Several years ago we purchased the Drop-In centre on Greeves St as part of our commitment to this invaluable service for some of the most vulnerable and marginalised women and girls in our community. A number of our congregation also volunteer their time and gifts in helping to support St Kilda Gatehouse develop positive and caring relationships within the community.
For more information, please click on www.stkildagatehouse.org.au

MOTH - Matters of the Heart
Matters of the heart runs once a month and is a respectful and reflective space where people gather for food and storytelling. After a meal together we usually gather around a theme and there is the opportunity for people to share our stories, listen to live music and light candles in a reflective space.
Indigenous Justice
St Kilda Elsternwick Baptist Church has a significant history of involvement with, and support for, Aboriginal communities. We remain committed to supporting local Indigenous Communities and organisations in a variety of ways such as partnering together for events, volunteering, or financial support.